It is encouraging to know that the product is backed by such an amazing team of dedicated professionals. It has been sometime since I have been extended this level of professionalism. The service and the product give me peace of mind and I am confident that I will be able to market and install the products without any worries.

12 out of 10 for remembering the extensions on the LEDs!! Wow, good job somebody is still thinking! Thanks so much 🙂

I received my commander and must say, Impressive! Can’t wait to install it! And promote it of course! Thanks for your friendly and fast service, it is a pleasure working with you guys!

As an electronics engineer with experience in designing single-chip microcontroller-based products I have a good appreciation of the ingenuity of the GSM Commander product range.The product is truly superb. It is stable, reliable and does exactly what it says on the tin, what has amazed me though is the friendly and open attitude displayed by Carel and his team. There’s a clearly open attitude to working with customers and listening to us, rather than the attitude often encountered with other companies where the customer is usually thought of as being an ignorant git and a pain in the butt, not only that but the GSMC peeps have always been willing to take seriously any reports I’ve made when I’ve found something odd and have welcomed my input and have rectified problems promptly. This level of service and customer interaction is rare in the extreme, especially in South Africa. I’m a very happy customer!

Thanks John and the Team (Candice, Heinz, Demetri, Sherwin and I have to thank the Big Boss Carel !) I forgot to email you guys after my little cable problem at Delheim, just had to mention the dedication everyone there has to the product. Between Heinz, Sherwin and Carel I was well impressed yet again. It was nice when Victor Sperling (Owner of Delheim and Delvera) arrived and I could brag about the type of service and support that Polygon Technologies gives to their installers as well as clients while Heinz was there.

I received the replacement micro and returned the original unit via the courier. I went through the whole set-up and test process, the unit works perfectly. As you mentioned the set-up software is very user friendly and offers far more features than I at first imagined. Thank you for the manner in which you resolved the initial problem, far more importantly the way you conduct your communication with a client. Good experiences are few and far between these days and leave a long lasting positive impression.

I just got a call from my primary customer in the Eastern Cape, my dual dam control installation project… Les Krouse is the Farmer and he just gave me a call to thank us for the solution we provided, this morning at 3am he got an SMS to say there was a power failure at his main pump-house, did not concern himself too much, but then shortly after that, he got another messge to say that there was excessive vibration on his main cable… Long story short, he dashed out to go check and they caught the guys trying to steal the electrical cable… Cable had been dug up and all, but as they disconnected the one, the SMS went, and when they worked on the main cable, the vibration sesnor alerted Les… So thank you for a tremendous product in the GSM Commander!!!

Eish you guys are fast in Capetown…. Thank you for your great service!!

Thanks for your assistance on the last order, we had a very fluid installation and the product was extremely user friendly from installation to programming, clients all satisfied with the outcome.

Thanks for an excellent product!!! We use these units to; monitor and control Heat Pumps, trigger our Lightning Early Warning System, control our Water Reservoir levels by switching Pumps on/off based on level switches, collect daily Flowmeter Readings, and monitor our incoming Municipal Power Supply and Standby Generator status.