PLEASE NOTE – All Version 8 GSM Commanders now operate off one version of Software.
You no longer need to download model specific versions for your Version 8 Commander.

The same hardware & software limitations as before apply to each model of GSM Commander.

If you are unsure if your GSM Commander is Version7 or Version8, please refer to your model number
It will be marked on the top right as GC0108 or GC0328 or GC0648 or GC1288

  • ss7 box - GSM Commander
    SmartSetup - V8 10.54 MB 7024 downloads

    SmartSetup V8.21E

    Supports GC0108 / GC0328 / GC0648 & GC1288


    • V8.21E CHANGE LOG:

    Introduction of multi-baud rate support on RS485 Modbus RTU (2400 - 230 400 now supported for mapped registers)

    Fixed bug for I/O expansions intermittent communication issues

    Stability improvements

    • V8.20D CHANGE LOG:

    WiFi Functionality for logging to AirDrive 

    Data Messaging to GSM Commander Android App via WiFi or LTE (GC0648 and GC1288 only - with AirDrive Historian) - SMS Fall Back

    Selection of WiFi or LTE as Primary or Secondary Communications Method

    Improved stability in RS485 ModBus RTU Communications (Read / Write Function Codes)


    • V8.04B Fixes Included:
      • SMS Queue Buffer increased to 35 SMS in the queue (when under 50 characters each)
      • Bug in SMS queue when it overflows
    • V8.03A Fixes Included:
      • Introduced ability to set network type to AUTO / 2G or 4G
      • Send "NETWORK?" to see what the current connectivity is on.
      • Send "NETWORK 2G" to 2G only / "NETWORK 4G" for 4G only / "NETWORK AUTO" to allow the module to decide.
      • Bug fix on AirDrive Open Protocol